The Effective Schools Framework (ESF) & Blended Learning for Classroom Educators: Effective Instruction
2.00 CPE Credits
This experience is designed to explore blended and personalized learning pedagogy through the lens of the effective instruction component of the Effective Schools Framework. By the end of the course, participants will have a stronger sense of how the ESF and blended learning pedagogy work together toward stronger student success in the classroom.
During this course experience, learners will:
Examine how blended learning models and increased student agency lead to more rigorous instruction
Explore how formative assessment practices lead to student success
Who do I contact for more information?
Instructional Strategies
Online Course, Self-directed
CPE Credits:
Registration Closes: Sun. 08/31/2025 - 12:00AM CDT
Access Dates
Starts: Fri. 11/03/2023 - 12:00AM CDT
Ends: Tue. 09/30/2025 - 12:00AM CDT
Workshop ID